Contributions and recognition of patient partners in pediatric health research : a rapid scoping review
Barrans, Candice; Pawliuk, Colleen; Hermansen, Anne-Mette; Lim, Edlyn; Pietramala, Danielle; Siden, Harold
UBC cIRcle
Introduction: Interest in Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in health research has steadily grown in recent years. PPI can make health and research projects more relevant and feasible. Patient partners may contribute meaningfully throughout the life cycle of a project and may meet criteria for formal acknowledgement or authorship. However, often it is unclear where in the process they are contributing and how often patient partners are formally recognized for their contributions. Objectives: 1) Capture the prevalence of authorship or acknowledgement of patient partners. 2) Map the extent of patient partners’ involvement throughout the research process 3) Understand how patient partner engagement is identified in the searchable fields in databases. Methods: We searched multiple databases and other sources of PPI literature. To expedite identification and data extraction of relevant sources, 25% of the references were screened and extracted by two independent authors, while the remaining screened by one author. Results: Preliminary results will be presented, including extent of patient partner contribution and recognition. Conclusions/Next Steps: As patient partnership becomes increasingly commonplace and some patient partners feature as co-authors, the contributions of patient partners are not always clearly reported and many patient partners are inconsistently identified and acknowledged in research publications. [Poster presented at Brain, Behaviour & Development Theme Research Day 2023 at BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver BC]
Team Member Authors
Anne-Mette Hermansen | Candice Barrans | Colleen Pawliuk | Hal Siden