Caring for a child with a life limiting condition: The experiences of nurses in an intellectual disability service provider
Connor EO; Corcoran Y
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
This study elicited the experiences of nurses caring for children with life-limiting conditions and their family, within a community based intellectual disability service. A qualitative descriptive research approach was adopted where purposeful sampling recruited 10 participants. Data was collected using one to one semi-structured interviews and was subsequently analysed using qualitative thematic content analysis. The findings identified a range of complexities unique to the care of children with life-limiting conditions in the intellectual disability setting. From the findings, it is clear that this is a population of highly skilled nurses who work in a challenging and complex area of practice. Further supports are required in order to meet the practice needs and support the emotional needs of this population of nurses. In doing so, high quality practice within the area will be promoted, thereby ensuring high quality care for the children and families within the disability service.