Ensuring Equity and Inclusion in Virtual Care Best Practices for Diverse Populations of Youth with Chronic Pain
Birnie Kathryn A; Killackey Tieghan; Backlin Gillian; Gavin Frank; Harris Christine; Jordan Isabel; Kim Laesa; Marianayagam Justina; Swidrovich Jenna; Lalonde Corinne; Tunji-Ajayi Lanre; Oberlander Tim; Kirby-Allen Melanie; Lambert Simon; Siden Hal; Swidrovich Jaris; Noel Melanie; Lalloo Chitra; Stinson Jennifer
Healthcare Quarterly
Poor access to care is a top patient-oriented research priority for youth with chronic pain in Canada, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these concerns. Our patient-oriented project team engaged with marginalized and racialized youth with chronic pain (Black youth with sickle cell disease, Indigenous youth and youth with complex medical needs) and their families to ensure that best practice recommendations for virtual care are inclusive and equitable. Input provided through virtual round-table discussions improved recommendations for leveraging, implementing and selecting best platforms for virtual care for youth with chronic pain and identified new gaps for future research, practice and policy change.
Backlin Gillian | Birnie Kathryn A | Gavin Frank | Harris Christine | Jordan Isabel | Killackey Tieghan | Kim Laesa | Kirby-Allen Melanie | Lalloo Chitra | Lalonde Corinne | Lambert Simon | Marianayagam Justina | Noel Melanie | Oberlander Tim | Siden Hal | Stinson Jennifer | Swidrovich Jaris | Swidrovich Jenna | Tunji-Ajayi Lanre
Adolescent | Canada | Chronic Pain | Chronic Pain/th [Therapy] | COVID-19 | COVID-19/ep [Epidemiology] | Humans | Pandemics