Team value and visual voice: Healthcare providers’ perspectives on the contributions and impact of Art Therapy in pediatric hematology/oncology clinics
Snyder K; Malhotra B; Kaimal G
The Arts in Psychotherapy
Attending to the psychosocial needs of pediatric patients, families and health care providers (HCPs) is critical to the delivery of personalized medical care. Art therapy in this context has been found to be a source of holistic psychosocial support for pediatric hematology and oncology care. Interviews of 21 HCPs in the United States were conducted to assess the impact and contributions of art therapy in pediatric hematology/oncology. HCPs were unanimously supportive of art therapy, reporting it being impactful to the patients, caregivers and providers, and the hospital setting. They noted that it provides a visual voice to the patient experience and creates a unifying, child and family centered space of normalcy and connection. The art therapist is seen as a vital part of the medical team, through their insights and support across the spectrum of hem/onc care. The high demands on art therapists and limited understanding of the scope of clinical practice are challenges that were identified. Art therapy supports the psychological needs of pediatric patients, families, and HCPs and may be an invaluable part of pediatric medical teams for assessment and support. Further education, research and understanding of the contributions of ATs in medical settings could help advance their roles in these contexts. Copyright © 2021 The Author(s)