The Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, and the Needs of the Inhospital Parents Caring for Children with Life-limiting Neurological Disorders: A Qualitative Study
Taib F; Beng KT; Chan LC
Indian Journal of Palliative Care
OBJECTIVES: Parents who have children with complex lifelong and life-limiting neurological conditions experienced many stresses and anxieties throughout their lives as caregivers. However, this information is still very limited. The study aimed to explore the challenges faced by parents with children who have complex neurological conditions, their coping strategies, needs, and expectations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted in the either Malay or English language among the parents of children with complex lifelong neurological conditions and have been on long-term in-patient hospital care. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for thematic analysis. The qualitative study was conducted from October to November 2016 at the Paediatric Institute of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Grounded theory was used to examine the qualitative data with inductive and deductive types of coding. The transcripts were read repeatedly to allow familiarity to the themes presented by the participants. Further discussions were conducted among the researchers to triangulate the information. RESULTS: A total of 11 parents were interviewed for this study. The thematic analysis resulted in 8 challenges: Physical wellbeing, Environment, Relationship, Financial, Occupational, Rational, Mental, and Spiritual. Coping strategies comprised problem focused issues related to the key challenges in the caregivers’ context. Similar to the needs and expectations, the key themes were derived from the key understandings of the challenges and looking at the palliative care impacts for these children. CONCLUSION: There are various challenges faced by parents of children with life-limiting neurological disorders. Physical, Environment, Relationship, Financial, Occupational, Rational, Mental, and Spiritual Wellbeing can be a platform for the assessment of the caregivers’ needs and the planning for palliative care support.