Use of subcutaneous fluids in palliative care with children: a case study
Smith A; Jane Brimble M
Nursing Children and Young People
Quality of life is a major consideration in children’s palliative care, particularly at the end of life. Optimal symptom management is crucial in maintaining quality of life, with the aim being to ensure the child is as comfortable as possible. Ensuring adequate hydration will often be part of symptom management but may be associated with several practical and ethical challenges. Subcutaneous fluid administration in children’s palliative care is relatively uncommon, so there is a lack of evidence on the topic. This article demonstrates that it is feasible to use subcutaneous fluid therapy in the children’s hospice setting to address patients’ hydration needs and manage their symptoms. It presents a case study of a child who received subcutaneous fluids in a children’s hospice for dehydration and myoclonus. It uses the case study to discuss subcutaneous fluid therapy in the children’s palliative care setting, including its indications and contraindications, administration, complications and important factors to consider.
Humans | Hypodermoclysis/mt [Methods] | Hypodermoclysis/st [Standards] | Palliative Care/mt [Methods] | Palliative Care/st [Standards] | Patient Comfort/st [Standards] | Pediatrics/is [Instrumentation] | Pediatrics/mt [Methods] | Quality of Life/px [Psychology]