Validation of the FACETS-OF-PPC as an Outcome Measure for Children with Severe Neurological Impairment and Their Families-A Multicenter Prospective Longitudinal Study
Pelke S; Wager J; Claus BB; Stening K; Zernikow B; Reuther M
Outcome measurement in pediatric palliative care (PPC) is receiving increasing attention. The FACETS-OF-PPC, a multidimensional outcome measure for children with severe neurological impairment, has been developed and partly validated. This study aimed to conclude the validity of the German version of the FACETS-OF-PPC. A multicenter prospective study with two points of measurement has been conducted, employing confirmatory factor analyses, reliability analyses, and analyses to evaluate the tool’s sensitivity to change. Overall, 25 inpatient and outpatient teams throughout Germany recruited N = 227 parents of affected children and N = 238 professional caregivers. Participants filled out the FACETS-OF-PPC on the admission of a child to a palliative care service and at discharge from inpatient settings or two months after admission to outpatient services. The analyses revealed the questionnaire needing further adaption. Now, 17 of the original 34 items contribute to the construction of the questionnaire scales. The other items remain part of the questionnaire and may be evaluated descriptively. Furthermore, the FACETS-OF-PPC has moderate to appropriate internal consistency and is sensitive to change. Creating an outcome measure with good psychometric properties for the vulnerable population of children with severe neurological impairment appears extremely difficult. Considering these challenges, the FACETS-OF-PPC demonstrates adequate psychometric properties.