MeSH: Analgesics, Opioid
End of Life Outside of “Business Hours”: A Retrospective Review Evaluating Time of Death and Provider Time at End of Life
Introduction: Pediatric palliative care (PPC) benefits patients and families, while potentially creating emotional and resource-management burdens for providers. This study’s purpose was to characterize the occurrence of deaths attended by PPC providers outside of “business hours.” Methods: N = 786 PPC patients at a single center died between 2008 and 2015. Descriptive statistics were prepared for all…
Children’s visits to the paediatric intensive care unit from the nurses’ experience
BACKGROUND: Acute pain is common in children and young adults with cancer and sickle cell disease. Current training curricula fail to adequately impart skills for pain management. We sought to develop and validate an education and assessment tool to address the safe effective use of opioids for pain management by pediatrics trainees., METHODS: The first…
Low-Dose Ketamine Infusion as Adjuvant Therapy during an Acute Pain Crisis in Pediatric Patients
Recent studies in pediatric patients have suggested that ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA) antagonist, given at sub-anesthetic doses can effectively decrease pain scores, provide analgesic effects, and in some cases, reduce opioid requirements. Our study aims to assess impact of low-dose ketamine on reducing pain scores and total opioid requirements during an acute pain crisis…
Healthcare professionals’ views of the use of oral morphine and transmucosal diamorphine in the management of paediatric breakthrough pain and the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial: A focus group study (DIPPER)
Background: Oral morphine is frequently used for breakthrough pain but the oral route is not always available and absorption is slow. Transmucosal diamorphine is administered by buccal, sublingual or intranasal routes, and rapidly absorbed. Aim(s): To explore the perspectives of healthcare professionals in the UK caring for children with life-limiting conditions concerning the assessment and…