MeSH: Nervous System Diseases
Parent-Reported Symptoms and Medications Used Among Children With Severe Neurological Impairment
Key Points: Question: In children with severe neurological impairment (SNI) who cannot self-report, can comprehensive parent-reported symptom assessments inform medication use? Findings: In this cross-sectional study of 100 children with SNI and polypharmacy, parents reported that children experienced multiple concurrent high-distress symptoms, notably irritability (65.0%), insomnia (55.0%), and pain (54.0%). Although higher symptom burdens were…
Transitional Care for Young People with Neurological Disorders: A Scoping Review with A Focus on Patients with Movement Disorders
Childhood-onset movement disorders represent a heterogenous group of conditions. Given the complexity of these disorders, the transition of care from pediatric to adult medicine is an important consideration. We performed a scoping review of the literature on transitional care in chronic neurological disease, exploring key transitional issues and proposed transitional care models. Our aim was…