MeSH: Patient Participation
End-of-Life Childhood Cancer Research: A Systematic Review
CONTEXT: Children with incurable cancer may participate in research studies at the end of life (EOL). These studies create knowledge that can improve the care of future patients. OBJECTIVE: To describe stakeholder perspectives regarding research studies involving children with cancer at the EOL by conduct of a systematic review. DATA SOURCES: We used the following…
Shared decision making for children with chronic respiratory failure-It takes a village and a process
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Shared decision making (SDM) before nonurgent tracheostomy in a child with chronic respiratory failure (CRF) is often recommended, but has proven challenging to implement in practice. We hypothesize that utilization of the microsystem model for analysis of the complex ecosystem in which SDM occurs will yield insights that enable formation of a…
Parent engagement in perinatal mortality reviews: an online survey of clinicians from six high-income countries
OBJECTIVE: Parent engagement in perinatal mortality review meetings following stillbirth may benefit parents and improve patient safety. We investigated perinatal mortality review meeting practices, including the extent of parent engagement, based on self-reports from healthcare professionals from maternity care facilities in six high-income countries. DESIGN: Cross-sectional online survey. SETTING: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK…