MeSH: Socioeconomic Factors
Sibling mortality burden in low-income countries: A descriptive analysis of sibling death in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean
In high-income countries, emerging research suggests sibling bereavement can have significant health and life course consequences for young people. Yet, we know far less about its burden in lower-income countries. Due to higher fertility and mortality in lower-income countries, the level, timing, intensity, and circumstances surrounding sibling mortality are likely to follow patterns distinct from…
Navigator-Based Intervention to Support Communication in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study
BACKGROUND: Communication in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) between families and the health care team affects the family experience, caregiver psychological morbidity, and patient outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To test the feasibility of studying and implementing a PICU communication intervention called PICU Supports, and to assess families’ and health care teams’ perceptions of the intervention. METHODS:…