Living with a child who has a life-limiting condition: The functioning of well-siblings and parents
Jaaniste T; Cuganesan A; Chin WLA; Tan SC; Coombs S; Heaton M; Cowan S; Aouad P; Potter D; Smith PL; Trethewie S
Child: Care, Health and Development
BACKGROUND: Living with a child who has a life-limiting condition (LLC) is likely to have a major impact on all family members. There is a need to have a clearer understanding of the nature and extent of this impact on parents and well-siblings. The current study aimed to investigate the psychosocial functioning of well-siblings and parents living with a child with an LLC. Further, the study aimed to assess the resilience resources of both well-siblings and parents, giving consideration to how these relate to psychosocial functioning. METHODS: Participants included 48 well-siblings (6-21 years) and 42 parents of children with LLCs. Parents and well-siblings independently completed validated measures of child and adult functioning and personal resilience. Parents provided demographic information about the patient and family. RESULTS: The emotional, social and school functioning of well-siblings in the current study was found to be significantly poorer than published norms (all p’s < .01). Parental self-reported depression, anxiety and stress scores were also all significantly poorer than published norms (all p's < .01). There was negligible agreement between well-sibling self-reported functioning and parental proxy-report of the well-siblings functioning (all r's .464). Sibling self-reported resilience was positively correlated with each of the measures of psychosocial functioning (all r’s > .318, p’s < .05). Parental resilience was significantly negatively correlated with depressive symptoms (r = -.369, p < .05) and anxiety symptoms (r = -.473, p < .01) but not stress scores (r = -.074, p = .644). CONCLUSION: Family members living with a child who has an LLC were found to have significantly poorer psychosocial functioning than published norms. Although one cannot infer a causal direction from the current study, greater self-reported well-sibling and parental resilience were associated with aspects of better self-reported psychosocial functioning. Future studies should assess the impact of psychosocial interventions aimed at enhancing the resilience and functioning of both well-siblings and parents.
Aouad P | Chin WLA | Coombs S | Cowan S | Cuganesan A | Heaton M | Jaaniste T | Potter D | Smith PL | Tan SC | Trethewie S
Adult | Child | Family | Humans | Parents | Parents/px [Psychology] | Psychosocial Functioning | Self Report | Siblings | Siblings/px [Psychology]