What Do We Know About Pediatric Palliative Care Patients Consulting to the Pediatric Emergency Department?
Gaucher N; Humbert N; Gauvin F
Pediatric Emergency Care
Objectives The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of pediatric palliative care (PPC) patients presenting to a pediatric emergency department (ED) and these patients’ ED visits. Methods This retrospective chart review was conducted from April 1, 2007, to March 31, 2012, in a tertiary care pediatric university-affiliated hospital. Eligible patients had initial PPC consultations during the study period; all ED visits by these patients were included. Data were drawn from the ED’s electronic data system and patient’s medical chart. Results A total of 290 new patients were followed by the PPC team, and 94 (32.4%) consulted the ED. Pediatric palliative care patients who consulted the ED had a median age of 7 years and baseline diagnoses of cancer (39.4%) or encephalopathy (27.7%). No patients died in the ED, but 36 (38.3%) died in hospital after an ED visit and 18 (19.1%) within 72 hours of admission. Pediatric palliative care patients consulted 219 times, with a median number of visits per patient of 2 (range, 1-8). They presented acutely ill as per triage scales. Reasons for consultation included respiratory distress/dyspnea (30.6%), pain (12.8%), seizure (11.4%), and fever (9.1%). Patients were often admitted to wards (61.2%) and the pediatric intensive care unit (7.3%). Two thirds (65.7%) of patients had signed an advanced care directive at the time of their visit. Discussions about goals of care occurred in 37.4% of visits. Conclusions Pediatric palliative care patients present to the ED acutely ill, often at their end of life, and goals of care are not always discussed. This is a first step toward understanding how to improve PPC patients’ ED care. Copyright © Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Child | Humans | Physicians | Referral and Consultation | Terminal Care | Tissue and Organ Procurement